
Today is International Men’s day, and by the statistics, maybe it’s time to address the fact that men are men’s worst enemy...

Too much darkness? Light your Fire!

Too much darkness? Light your Fire! It's that time of the year when we have Scorpio in its power, under the full moon in Taurus, reigned by Pluto... and Mercury in retrograde making it harder the communication with others. So what's better than embracing the moment and go deeper in your own darkness, feeding your own fire to bring light into your inner self? You're right, I've just recorded one more guided meditation to help you in this journey. Please listen to it with headphones.

The Ocean in a Conch Shell

Only when you find the silence within you'll be able to find the power of the ocean, to wash and clear, to expand and energise, to dance naked under the moons, giving and preserving life, safe and protected. To help you find your own inner silence, so you can find the power of the ocean to keep you safe while expanding from the core of your inner higher consciousness, I've just recorded a new short guided meditation, so you can listen to with headphones...

It’s Landing Day!

After some more tumultuous couple of weeks, with the ram Aries doing his jump from one mountain to another, creating some unbalance and making us face some fears, we're finally landing with the full moon in Aries. And now that we managed to find firm ground again, it's time to cut the strings with fear, and with the past that has been weighing on our shoulders: let them go. We're here. We landed. That's all that matters. Forget those fears now, learn from the past and let it go. We're no longer jumping, we just landed. You might have been feeling a bit unbalanced and out of focus with fears, but you can take a deep breath now. It's over. Aries is stubborn, and made it. Being stubborn can be good if we're focused on the right direction for a better landing.

Mind over Matter

Mind is the product of both Consciousness and physical Brain. When you’re born, Consciousness will come to you, and combined with the hardware, your brain, your operative system will restart. Your own higher Consciousness is brought to you by Cosmic Consciousness, and it brings you awareness, awakening your anamnesis, and while you grow older it will also be shaped by collective Consciousness.

Friday 13th Full Moon

Sometimes the universe can be tricky. We’ll have now a full moon in Piscis (Friday, 13th!) which, since a couple weeks ago, has been putting some people more sensitive to the moon in an unusual emotional stress. As they feel somehow stuck in their lives, they get emotional lost. Blame the moon in Piscis, or blame Piscis. The good news, is that it will pass very soon…

Release the weight of your past… and fly

Here is the third guided meditation, this time taking you with me to the mountains in the East, connecting with the condor to help you release the weight of your past... so you can fly. Here you can practice breathwork, the power of visualisation and releasing, becoming more connected with your inner consciousness to help you heal yourself.

What do you expect?

What do you expect from a Shaman? Shamanism can be found in most cultures, from east to west, north to south since thousands of years ago. Most probably shamanism is the oldest form of spirituality, people with open channels to the universe, connected to our own higher consciousness so much that we could end up... Continue Reading →

Sun Eclipse: Create your memories Now

“Shake up your lazy ass”, it’s what this new moon in Cancer is telling us by giving us a solar eclipse. Centre and balance your emotional being into your close collective consciousness: you, family and friends. It’s time of change, to align yourself, to focus on your path. Whilst the new moon tells you to leave the past behind and learn from it, the eclipse comes to give you focus on the future ahead of you...

Sirius is coming!

Welcome Sirius, the alpha star, the alpha wolf, the main star of the Canis Major constellation, the heaven’s wolf. From Canis comes canicule, the hot days. It is also said that Sirius if the Sun’s Sun. Sirius comes to tell us: "hey buddy, calm down, it’s time for you to learn from your past so you can move on." This asks you to be kind with yourself, to take care, so you can face your fears, facing yourself and your own challenges, to be able to learn, so you can move on...

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