Losar Tashi Delek!

Losar Tashi Deleck!Or Happy new year to you! Losar (lo-sar; "new year") is the Tibetan (lunar) New Year, and it predates the arrival of Buddhism in Tibet, having its roots in a winter incense-burning custom of the Bon religion .  During Losar, the Tibetan celebration of the new year, we can go to the local spring to perform... Continue Reading →

Meditation On Gratitude

Here's a new guided meditation, now on gratitude. After this powerful super Full Moon under which you might felt challenged, it's time for one of the most powerful tools for healing: Gratitude.You should be grateful for most things and people that crossed your path, even though that made it harder, which made you stronger. But... Continue Reading →

The Lion’s gate portal and 2 moons

The Lion's Gate portal is when Sirius, Earth and the Orion constellation are all in alignment with each other, when you're able to manifest abundance more than any other time of the year. Every year the opening of this portal gives us a chance to evolve and become a more empowered, stronger, better version of ourselves. And it... Continue Reading →

Rhythm and Trance

It just came out the issue #56 of the Indie Shaman magazine with a cover and an article by me about Rhythm and Trance. You can check IndieShaman's wordpress or instagram and order the .pdf mag there.the article starts by bringing other references on "Rhythm and Trance": "If you know anyone autistic, you might have... Continue Reading →

Meditations in the Forest

I just came back from a week retreated alone in the forest in this week of full moon in Libra. When I'm there, the first day is often for me to release the past that no longer serves me, and connect with myself and nature. Or simply disconnect from the world/people/society. Apart from being surrounded... Continue Reading →

Past Traumas and how to heal them

In all these years of doing shamanic sessions, I realised that many people have hidden traumas that they're not even aware of, and that can block you to move forward, feeling stuck in life, or even affecting your physical or mental health. Some of these traumas can come from past lives (through our consciousness/soul, or... Continue Reading →

Tantra for Winter

Some of you asked me if I could do tantra sessions online. After years doing them in person, I’ve been developing a way to do it through Skype, a new challenge for me, that has been quite successful. These sessions often go along with healing sessions, soul retrieval or even regressions.Ask yourself how do you... Continue Reading →

The 5 Elements Meditation

Being retreated in the forest in the middle of nowhere I did a few videos talking about some shamanic matters and a couple of new guided meditations that I'll be posting this month on Blue Wolf's youtube channel. The first guided meditation is already up, so you can now enjoy a 45mins meditation that I... Continue Reading →

Rubber’s Mental Health

Some years ago I was searching for some academic studies on mental health and digging in time I realised that the mental health’ big issue and awareness of it started at one point in history of mankind: when humans started wearing rubber soles. Sneakers, tennis shoes, whatever rubber soles you get.  And it makes all... Continue Reading →

… Suffering is optional

“Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional”. A Buddhist quote that has been attributed to some people, including Dalai Lama.Pain is an energetic alert from your body telling you that something went “wrong”. So pain in fact is good, because it tells you to check your system.  But when you know the source of the... Continue Reading →

The Blue Wolf’s Path 

When I was born I immediately went into a coma. I rejected my mother’s blood, so I had my first three weeks of life to decide if I wanted to stay or leave, or what my path would be. At the 7th blood transfusion I decided to accept and live. From there, my life followed... Continue Reading →

it’s Wolf Full Moon!

It’s the full moon now in January, under the sign of Cancer, and even though it falls on the 17th, you might be feeling its energy by now as it is creating ripples on the calm waters. Also because Mercury went into retrograde today for a couple of weeks.  If you feel the power of... Continue Reading →

Burying Emotions

Quite often people come to me surprised: “I was quite sure I had that emotion buried long time ago, and suddenly it just came to haunt me again!” I have bad news for you here… Emotions can’t be buried. Emotions are kind of eternal, and they don’t belong to you. If you bury them, you’re... Continue Reading →

for 2022…

If 2020 was a year of the big shift, 2021 was all about learning and growth. There were incredible achievements that were lost in news, but to people more focused on positivity acknowledged that and used the year for learning and growth. Even if you didn’t feel it that way, 2021 was wonderful in many... Continue Reading →

The Solstice!

Opposite to the equinoxes when the days have the same length of the nights (“aequus”=equal + “nox”=night), the solstice comes to mark the shortest day in Northern Hemisphere and the longest day in the South. Winter and summer solstice (“Sol”=sun + “sistere”=stand still), depending on where you are in the world.  Not only brings either... Continue Reading →

Pluto, Phoenix and Scorpio season

We’ve arrived at Scorpio season with Pluto watching over us: it’s phoenix time!Scorpio season also opens the eclipses cycle, and to celebrate it, we’ll have a lunar and a solar eclipse. In fact, on this next full moon, which is in Taurus, there will be a partial lunar eclipse.  This is a time to use... Continue Reading →

Preparing for rentrĂ©e: an emotional dance

There are a few cosmic movements that you might want to be aware so you can prepare yourself for the next few weeks… starting now.Some people, whenever a chain of events in their lives start going wrong, ask me if Mercury is in retrograde. Most of the times it isn’t, but there are other factors.Knowing... Continue Reading →

Finding One’s Life Path

Some of my clients come not for specific healing, but to clear their past and awaken to a shamanic call. Shamanism has been around since always, the most ancient wisdom and philosophy. It seems that appeared naturally in several “corners” of the globe, flowing within their own cultures.So it’s only natural that it has different... Continue Reading →

Guided Meditation

Meditation is silence. Is stillness. Is finding your own balance so nothing or no one can interfere with you. We grow up focused on exercising our minds. Studying maths and chemistry, literature or arts. Learning social and working team skills. Now it's time for you to learn how to silence it all, so you can... Continue Reading →

Forgiving Oneself

We’ve just had the solstice to celebrate! Summer solstice up north and winter down south hemisphere. It’s always a remarkable day, when the veil between worlds seems thiner, making it possible for us to connect, with nature itself, and with our own nature, helping us connect deeper with our own higher consciousness. It’s very energetic,... Continue Reading →

May: we have a lot to prepare!

You remember that in February 2020, Pluto, - my dear chaotic planet that teaches how to dance amongst chaos -, took over the Earth… and you saw what happened: pandemic, lockdowns, etc. Pluto left at the end of the year as I told you a year ago… but still leaving some consequences. Most important: Pluto taught us... Continue Reading →

Chakras & Health illustrated

you already heard about chakras: those main energetic spots that align through our energetic spine, the meridian. Each chakra can influence or be influenced by physical and mental health, and that's why we should be conscious if they're blocked or opened. Chakras can go out of line or block after any traumatic event, or even... Continue Reading →

Full Moon in Libra…

it’s all about balance. And feeding the right plate.  It seems a paradox, right? How can you put more on one plate of the scale and find balance?  I remember the first thing I noted in my travel’s journal on my way to Tibet was that I cleared the past, so I could fill in... Continue Reading →

Ground to Heal!

Ground to Heal seems to be what the Full Moon in Virgo is asking. Virgo is the sign of healing, and the full moon is right in the corner: on the 27th of February, under the sun sign Piscis. So even if you feel a bit emotionally lost, you may use this full moon energy... Continue Reading →

February 2021 Mercury Retrograde etc

Briefly, between Jan 30 and Feb 20th Mercury is in retrograde. And as we close the zodiac cycle with Sun in Pisces by 18th, we will have Saturn squaring Uranus on the 17th, which might bring some rebellion.  What does this mean then?Mercury is the messenger, and when direct, our social communication flows, but when... Continue Reading →

The Biggest Shift of 2021!

Welcome to the Aquarius Era!Today is probably the most powerful astrological change of the year: welcome the Era of Aquarius! And before everything else, as in any big change, the old era fights to stay, so it is never a clear cut from the past. Even though the world has been changing for the last... Continue Reading →

New Year, New Era

I know that 2020 was a year of big shift, and for some it was quite challenging. This last month the universe has been guiding us through incredible preparation, from the lunar eclipse to the solar, solstice, great conjunction of planets, and finally the full moon in Cancer that told us to purge our past. All... Continue Reading →

Gemini’s Full Moon Eclipse

It's a starter! Pluto is leaving. It started ruling Earth in February, bringing some chaos in search of the essential truth. The whole pandemic and life changes were brought by Pluto so we can rethink on our relation with Earth. This and the amount of planets we had in retrograde. And this comes as a... Continue Reading →

Projection & Emotional Distance

Probably the pandemic and lockdowns made it more common, or deeper, as most people were not used to face themselves since they’re often too busy. Also, they’re not used to be in lockdown living with their partners/family 24h over 24h. Anxiety took over the stress. And anxiety blocks the flow of energy.Then people don’t have... Continue Reading →

The transition of power

It has been quite curious to see the US elections and all its synchronicity with this cosmic carousel:First, the transition from earth element to air. Earth element has been ruling earth since few years ago, and it’s connected with power, greed, corruption, fossil fuels, etc. and this full moon in Taurus, the earth sign by... Continue Reading →

When the Veil Opens…

On the days close to this full moon of October 31st, which is a blue moon (second full moon within a month), the veil between the living and spirit’s world will be thinner, which is why old cultures like Aztecs celebrate the day of dead, or the Gaelic Samhain. In our times people celebrate Halloween... Continue Reading →

Taurus, Scorpio and Pluto

Ground yourself.Focus on your inner growth, also because Mercury is still in retrograde (until Nov. 3rd).Uranus will be useful for this full moon as well, as it helps your own awakening since its energy will be very active and powerful. It’s time to rebirth, like a phoenix, but for that, you do need to let... Continue Reading →

Wounded Consciousness

We all have a body of energy that we should keep healthy, as it affects our physical body and our own mind. To make it visual, I use to compare - as an example - with phantom limbs. People who had a leg amputated will still feel pain or itch even though there’s no more leg there. This happens because the body of energy remains there, with memory of the past. Wounded. So they feel it. Unless… the body of consciousness is healed. In my shamanic healing sessions...

A Shift

As I use to say: chaos invites us to dance better. Accept, embrace, and learn how to dance over chaos.

Xamanismo em PortuguĂŞs:

Para quê marcar uma Sessão Xamânica? Em que influencia o xamanismo? O que é? Como é? O que faz o Xamã? O Xamanismo é a filosofia mais antiga no mundo, e apareceu nos ...

2020 – The Big Shift

More important than ever, don’t get dragged by fear. Trust, instead. This is the best approach for what is happening, preparing us for what is about to happen. Pluto is in conjunction with Jupiter, and is its energy for most of the year. Do not underestimate Pluto, as it is very powerful planet. And with Jupiter magnifying, this year is even more powerful and energetic. It may bring...

Fear the Roots

If you already did a guided meditation with me, or even the recorded general short meditations on YouTube, you’ve probably noticed that I bring breath work and work on the roots every time. The roots chakra can often be blocked by fear. Or fear can block the roots. To open them we work on the opposite of fear: trust. Trust is then the medicine to unblock our root chakra, and you can do it with the power of...

Rewiring an Autistic Brain?

Our brain works with energetic impulses, from one side to another, and we autistic people have it wired in a different way. I’ve been doing shamanic work that has been quite effective on this. Not turning an autistic mind into a NT one, but sending it information through consciousness that can trigger less anxiety, more social skills, better communication. Just by connecting through consciousness/energy in a deep empathic way, so the autistic person (either child or older) can have it easier to cope and respond...

CoronaV & Mental Health

As I mentioned in the recent post “Boost Immunity”, these are complex times… but I don’t want to talk about the physical health implications of CoronaVirus, and how we have the duty of avoiding crowds to not spread even more, as we can be agents not even knowing. I’m writing now about the implications on our mental health. These news of pandemic, and specially the isolation, can trigger you into loneliness, anxiety, panic… and consequently your own unbalance of energy. So what can you do to stay calm and have your mind healthy and in silence?

Boosting Immunity

Hello!, At this time, it might be good to address what can improve our immunity and boost our mood: Diet, Physical and Mental Health. We live in times in which anxiety and stress leads us to...

Mercury Retrograde

Quite often I see a reaction from people towards mercury retrograde: “oh no! Not again!” as if it would bring terrible moments. Mercury is the messenger of the gods. A communicator. And people rely on social skills to get things done. With those skills that have been learnt through age, we often forgot to communicate with our own selves, so when it’s time for introspection we often slide and panic. Mercury retrograde is exactly that: it brings time for introspection, to build a healthy relation with our own self. A time to communicate within. To explore your self. To pause. To work on the silence within. And this will raise your self knowledge, so you can experience growth and healing. However, since we often panic because we’re much more into social connection, we go through the whole Mercury Retrograde a bit lost...

Dealing with Traumas

If the trauma is conscious, you can instruct the mind that you’re over it, by going deep into the source and heal it. If it’s subconscious, (when you have no idea that you have it) you can be guided into a deep meditation and let it come out to be healed. 

Wolf Full Moon

It's Wolf Full Moon, and even better, with an Eclipse. This full moon/eclipse comes to close a cosmic portal that was opened with the solar eclipse on the last New Moon on Xmas day. It was a portal for you to make peace with your past, and prepare yourself for a rebirth, for what comes next..

Beware: Saturn and Pluto

After this cosmic portal that opened last new moon with the solar eclipse and will close on January 10th with the full moon and lunar eclipse comes a very challenging day that might have repercussions until November: the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto on January 12th. The two darkest forces in our galaxy...

New Year!

These days with a cosmic portal opened, until the Full Moon and Moon Eclipse on the 10th of January, are perfect for...

Solar & Lunar Eclipse, a Portal wide opened

This December 26th of 2019 brings us the opening of a portal into cosmic consciousness with the solar eclipse. And even though it will be only seen in some parts of Asia, we will feel it through our consciousness. On January 10th of 2020, the lunar eclipse comes. This is a powerful moment for us to work on our inner balance, on our own connection with Earth and Heavens. On our own elements of Water, Air, Earth and Fire. A Solar Eclipse is a portal that opens to cosmic consciousness, and if we do a good work on ourselves, it’s there wide opened for us to connect with our own higher consciousness...

Kindness… and yourself

Gemini can be gentle, but it also represents duality. This is the perfect time to find alliance in your best friend: yourself. You’ll find dualities in your own self, you’ll find sometimes facing your own mirror. And that’s great! Time to take care of yourself, as your own best friend and ally. Time to find what happened this year when you decided to go against yourself. Time to listen to your body, your mind, your consciousness. And make peace with yourself. Forgiving yourself for the time and energy wasted when you fought against yourself. Time to be grateful for who you are and for what you achieved so far. Time to embrace your own self. To raise your self esteem, which is the foundation of your own self. The whole self.

and the Centaur arrived!

A very curious sign, with this hybrid half man half horse, bringing the masculinity, and yet representing kindness. Showing that kindness is not a weakness, but a strength, physically and energetically. That’s what we should learn with centaurs in this season:

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