Meditation Exercises

Meditation is mostly silencing one’s mind from its own “noise”. Noise that can trigger unwanted emotions, depression, anxiety or even over-thinking. 
This can be essencial even more now with so much trouble and anxiety in the world.

When you manage to find silence in your mind, you’re taking over it. Remember that you’re the owner of your mind, so it must follow you, not the opposite way. 

Meditation is probably the laziest activity. You can just lie down, or sit down, and go into meditative mood, finding your own silence. 

Physically, is lazy. The trick is silencing your mind, and for that there are several techniques. 

But meditation, from what you benefit a lot if practiced daily, can be done in different ways:

Sit down in lotus flower finding balance in your body, lying down (also called corpse meditation in which you abandon your body), or even walking meditation in nature. But if you find somehow difficult to be there “doing nothing”, you can also do useful tasks while you’re at it. Tasks that will not need your mind, in fact, tasks that can silence your mind: Gardening can be a wonderful meditative exercise, as you connect with plants, watch them grow, from seed to grown up plants. Not only silences your mind but it’s also rewarding… and we all like a bit of rewarding. 

For example, I find silence when I polish the old wooden furniture with bee wax. The scent also relaxes and brings the house a sense of cosy-clean into it. Polishing my boots also have the same effect, and at the same time you’re feeding the boots and the furniture. Like you feed and nurture the plants when you’re gardening. 

Even your shower time can be turned into a meditation moment, since you know where the tap and soap is, you don’t have to think: you can just connect with the water and feel it cleaning the dust & dirt you carry from the past, letting all go through the drain. 

Cooking can have the same effect, if you allow yourself to connect with the food and spices you’re preparing, being creative, like any other creative act: painting, drawings, sculpting… 

As you can see, it’s quite easy to bring meditation and silence into your life. What are your meditation methods? If you need we can always book a session so I can teach you the best method tailored for you.

BTW, I stopped posting general recorded guided meditations on YouTube since they often place annoying ads interrupting it. So if you’re one of my clients let me know and I’ll give you a private link to where I now post the new ones. 

Feel free to contact me by email in case you need to go deeper in this, and meanwhile if you want to book the sessions, here is where you can read about it.

You can also contact me if you want to participate in the 1 to 1 online Shamanic Mentoring Course. I’m booking now new people interested in shamanism to start in October/November.


Click here To book a session

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Contact me here by emaileither to know more, or to book a skype healing session, soul retrieval or guided meditation.

follow Blue Wolf  Shaman on Instagram and keep yourself updated.

Click here to know more about the book “On Consciousness: Journeys, Rituals and Meditations

if you’re interested in purchasing any of my books, you can find them either directly from the publisher (preferred) or from Amazon:

GBenard book On Consciousness

2 thoughts on “Meditation Exercises

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  1. You are the guiding light in my life Gon. Since I was guided to you my life has changed from one of addiction and suffering to one of increasing peace, acceptance and stability. Its not been easy but through your continued support and guidance life and my inner self are both blossoming. As you know my mind never shut off with negative and self destructive thoughts but I am now seriously taking it back and silencing it which is peace in itself. I have found within my silent meditations and daily life that the breath brings me back to the body and the moment. Following my breath with awareness really recentres me when my mind starts to “spin” 😊. Within your guided meditations I’ve found how I can literally be in a different place from within and the practitioner courses and support has been a critical part of my growth. Much much love and gratitude Gon , couldnt have asked for a better mentor! 🙏❤🙏

  2. In meditation, we can slip more easily into other dimensions [worlds] , something we do each night in our sleep, when our astral body leaves our physical body, to explore the cosmos during dreamtime. Our safety line is our etherial body, the package of pranic energy, which feeds our spiritual needs, and connects our physical with our astral or spiritual bodies. It can magically stretch out like an elastic cord, to allow us to travel the cosmos and back, at the end of our nightly sojourns. When our conscious mind moves into the abstract dimensions to solve some problem with the language of symbols and numbers, it has actually entered another mental dimension, where the local reality is vastly different than an office full of furniture and people. Like fish in water, we move through different dimensions [worlds] seamlessly, 24/7, without noticing.
    Care to read my opus?

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