February 2021 Mercury Retrograde etc

Briefly, between Jan 30 and Feb 20th Mercury is in retrograde. And as we close the zodiac cycle with Sun in Pisces by 18th, we will have Saturn squaring Uranus on the 17th, which might bring some rebellion.  What does this mean then?Mercury is the messenger, and when direct, our social communication flows, but when... Continue Reading →

The Biggest Shift of 2021!

Welcome to the Aquarius Era!Today is probably the most powerful astrological change of the year: welcome the Era of Aquarius! And before everything else, as in any big change, the old era fights to stay, so it is never a clear cut from the past. Even though the world has been changing for the last... Continue Reading →

A Lockdown Daily Ritual

In these times of pandemic and lockdown, there has been another issue that is important to talk about: Your mental health. No matter what you're going through: loneliness, difficult relationship, pandemic related stress, post-covid 19 diagnosis... any of these factors can make you feel energetically or mentally unbalanced. And that is dangerous for your mental... Continue Reading →

New Year, New Era

I know that 2020 was a year of big shift, and for some it was quite challenging. This last month the universe has been guiding us through incredible preparation, from the lunar eclipse to the solar, solstice, great conjunction of planets, and finally the full moon in Cancer that told us to purge our past. All... Continue Reading →

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