Tantra for Winter

Some of you asked me if I could do tantra sessions online. After years doing them in person, I’ve been developing a way to do it through Skype, a new challenge for me, that has been quite successful. These sessions often go along with healing sessions, soul retrieval or even regressions.Ask yourself how do you... Continue Reading →

Blood Full Moon + Eclipse

We just had a solar eclipse opening a portal, and we’ll have a strong blood full moon with lunar eclipse on the 8th November.Apart from being my womb emancipation day (aka my birthday) which makes the date more special for me, it is a very powerful cosmic day.Taurus full moon is here, a blood full... Continue Reading →

Guiding through Psilocybin

Blue Wolf Shaman Guided Meditation - on Psilocybin - The Healing Power of psilocybin, allowing the wisdom of the truffles/mushrooms to rewire your mind.  Some people asked me to do a guided meditation for when they do a micro dose of psilocybin. Hopefully this helps to keep your trip gentle, so it can work on... Continue Reading →

Autumn: How to Drop the Old Leaves?

Easy: heal them first. Turn them into gold. Now you can drop them. We’re at the autumn equinox (September 22nd), the sun goes into Libra… and this can be a major shift in your life if you know how to use it to balance and clear yourself. Just look into nature. For you, Autumn is maybe...

The 5 Elements Meditation

Being retreated in the forest in the middle of nowhere I did a few videos talking about some shamanic matters and a couple of new guided meditations that I'll be posting this month on Blue Wolf's youtube channel. The first guided meditation is already up, so you can now enjoy a 45mins meditation that I... Continue Reading →

Prepare for September…

September will be probably a challenge for most of us, so focus on gathering some inner silence.  Just saying a couple words will make some of you shiver: Mercury in Retrograde. Mercury will be retrograde from the 9th until the 2nd of October… so you know it’s time to not force, and be more careful... Continue Reading →

Planets’ Influence

Maybe due to our stressing lives, work, bills to pay, family issues, etc in this modern life we are, we slowly started feeling disconnected from the Universe. Also religion did this for us, making some adoring gods instead of being connected with our own nature, earth, and universe.  Take the moon for example: if the... Continue Reading →

Rubber’s Mental Health

Some years ago I was searching for some academic studies on mental health and digging in time I realised that the mental health’ big issue and awareness of it started at one point in history of mankind: when humans started wearing rubber soles. Sneakers, tennis shoes, whatever rubber soles you get.  And it makes all... Continue Reading →

… Suffering is optional

“Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional”. A Buddhist quote that has been attributed to some people, including Dalai Lama.Pain is an energetic alert from your body telling you that something went “wrong”. So pain in fact is good, because it tells you to check your system.  But when you know the source of the... Continue Reading →

Capricorn Full Moon

It's all about self-sabotaging!  You might have asked yourself a few times “why can’t I move forward?” Or “What’s holding me?”Most of the times you can even blame outside sources, but if you’re brave enough, you can go deep and honest with yourself and realise that the reason why you’re not being able to move... Continue Reading →

Autism: Selective Mutism

Today I woke up with selective mutism. For those who don’t know exactly how it feels, let me tell you first that is quite common in autistic people.But selective mutism is not just about not verbalising, or using voice to express words and sentences. It’s much more complex than that.It is as if my brain... Continue Reading →

June. Bonanza after Storm?

For most people, the last couple months were a bit difficult. There were lots of movements going on, that are ending now. Hopefully. Last week of May, with Mercury still in retrograde, leading to miscommunication, Mars aligned with Aries, and lots of people felt anger, offended, lost… with most of them ending up in arguments... Continue Reading →

Full Moon, Equinox and New Year!

We just had the Virgo’s Full moon on the 18th March, and we’re having now the equinox on the 20th/21st: spring equinox if you live here in the Northern hemisphere, and autumn equinox if you live down there in the south.A full moon is always an opportunity to let go of what doesn’t serve you... Continue Reading →

The Blue Wolf’s Path 

When I was born I immediately went into a coma. I rejected my mother’s blood, so I had my first three weeks of life to decide if I wanted to stay or leave, or what my path would be. At the 7th blood transfusion I decided to accept and live. From there, my life followed... Continue Reading →

Misconceptions on Autism: an actual guide for parents

Dealing with High Functioning Autistic / Aspergers children and young adults.One of the most damaging things for actually autistic people are the parents of autistic children who suddenly feel they’re experts in autism and start publishing posts and books as experts giving advice to other parents. Advice that are often wrong because they misunderstand us.... Continue Reading →

A Ritual for Wolf Full Moon

Time to reclaim your power back by dancing with Pluto under this wolf full moon. Get emotional distance from yourself: Observe yourself from distance so you can see what you need to change and what you want to keep. A wonderful time to conquer and define your own territory! Now it’s time to howl!What can... Continue Reading →

it’s Wolf Full Moon!

It’s the full moon now in January, under the sign of Cancer, and even though it falls on the 17th, you might be feeling its energy by now as it is creating ripples on the calm waters. Also because Mercury went into retrograde today for a couple of weeks.  If you feel the power of... Continue Reading →

Burying Emotions

Quite often people come to me surprised: “I was quite sure I had that emotion buried long time ago, and suddenly it just came to haunt me again!” I have bad news for you here… Emotions can’t be buried. Emotions are kind of eternal, and they don’t belong to you. If you bury them, you’re... Continue Reading →

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