Autumn: How to Drop the Old Leaves?

Easy: heal them first. Turn them into gold. Now you can drop them. We’re at the autumn equinox (September 22nd), the sun goes into Libra… and this can be a major shift in your life if you know how to use it to balance and clear yourself. Just look into nature. For you, Autumn is maybe...

Forgiving Oneself

We’ve just had the solstice to celebrate! Summer solstice up north and winter down south hemisphere. It’s always a remarkable day, when the veil between worlds seems thiner, making it possible for us to connect, with nature itself, and with our own nature, helping us connect deeper with our own higher consciousness. It’s very energetic,... Continue Reading →

A Full Moon in Leo

A Full Moon in Leo... in these past couple of weeks you might have felt a bit disconnected from... the world, yourself, and even from your own targets and journey. Now it's over. That happened for you to reconsider your own path and your own truth. Now the full moon in Leo is here. The sun and fire are brought to you by Leo, taking over the moon...

The Sigil’s Wisdom

The word Sigil derives from Latin (Sigillum) and means Seal (like the medieval royal seals), and it has been used mostly to describe a symbol of power, or a pictorial signature of a magician, pagan priest, shaman, ...

The Blood Moon Eclipse

This moon eclipse in aquarius might put a dirty finger where it hurts: right there on your deepest wound. So be prepared, be aware of that, hold your breath. If that happens, it is because you need it. Sometimes we need to be reminded, and since we often ignore, the moon is here to remind us, knowing that sometimes pain is all about...

The Dolmens

Some ancient places might be sacred spaces in which shamanic souls can translate between our physical Earth and the Universe.

What follows is the reaction of shamanic healer, visual artist and author Gonzalo Bénard, to the ancient megalithic site of Dolmen da Orca in central Portugal. 

Classified as a 5,000-year-old tomb by mainstream archaeology, and as a 6,000-year-old telescope by the burgeoning field of archaeoastronomy, this response to the Dolmen da Orca is an astute reminder that ancient sites should not be measured by archaeological-scientific classification and stratification alone.

The Darkness that you fear? Is within you

When the darkness that you fear becomes the fear itself. Institutionalised religions are not that old, but they brought already enough damage to most cultures with their culture of “born sinner” and fear, guilt and evil… In fact, they promise the light only by making you fear the darkness. The Sun is then placed over... Continue Reading →

The Solar Eclipse, its doings and your ceremonies

Tonight we’ll have a solar eclipse, and as always, a solar eclipse is a time for change, or better: if a new moon is a time for change, the solar eclipse is The time for change. It doesn’t matter if you’re down there and can see it, or up here and you’ll not be able to do so. Visible or invisible, it will affect us all on this planet. It’s all about energy and frequency, remember? And this one will affect us deeply, if you’re paying attention… But first of all: be careful with what you wish for...

How Dare You??

With all these planets in retrograde this month, I can only give you a small piece of advise: make peace with yourself and you'll become stronger. Even though you're always on time to do it, this is the best time: and you will excel in being your full complete self. 

Breathing the Waves

Yesterday I breathed waves.
On this place where I did the shamanic performance "Life, death and Birth".
(in fact, you can use this video to do the breathing waves exercise).

I sat down right here on this spot of the photograph. 
There was no other sound that the silence of the ocean waves...

The Bird as Messenger

In Shamanism birds are messengers. They come from the East, and this represents rebirth. New life, creativity, visions and Sun itself. It brings...

The Full Flower Moon: All about Mind

if the last one was the moon of emotions... this one is the Moon of the Mind, so prepare yourself to have a shift of energy closer to the mind. 
On the 21st of May, the first quarter, you might already feel some shifts... be aware of them, as you'll have until the 29th of May to understand yourself.
Mind Focus. 

Scorpio Pink Vesak Full Moon 2018

It is the moon of transformation, change, recycle and rebirth. It is as intimate as it is emotional. It's life getting out of darkness. It's the moon connecting North and South. It's the day that the moon is opposite to the sun. 
Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, which governs death and rebirth, as well as our guttural, animalistic urges, so you might experience a roller coaster of emotions.

Earth Day

Here is the trailer of a video with a shamanic performance I did by the ocean: "Life, Death... and Birth"     – Click here To know more about Blue Wolf Shaman   Click here To book a session   Click here to know more about the book “On Consciousness: Journeys, Rituals and Meditations” I am fluent... Continue Reading →

Sun Eclipse – Ego

This eclipse is mostly about ego. The Leo/Sun’s ego. And pride.

What should we do in our practices? In what should we focus in our journey?
Which rituals should we practice? What should we have in mind?

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