When the Veil Opens…

On the days close to this full moon of October 31st, which is a blue moon (second full moon within a month), the veil between the living and spirit’s world will be thinner, which is why old cultures like Aztecs celebrate the day of dead, or the Gaelic Samhain. In our times people celebrate Halloween... Continue Reading →

2020 – The Big Shift

More important than ever, don’t get dragged by fear. Trust, instead. This is the best approach for what is happening, preparing us for what is about to happen. Pluto is in conjunction with Jupiter, and is its energy for most of the year. Do not underestimate Pluto, as it is very powerful planet. And with Jupiter magnifying, this year is even more powerful and energetic. It may bring...

Dealing with Traumas

If the trauma is conscious, you can instruct the mind that you’re over it, by going deep into the source and heal it. If it’s subconscious, (when you have no idea that you have it) you can be guided into a deep meditation and let it come out to be healed. 

Beware: Saturn and Pluto

After this cosmic portal that opened last new moon with the solar eclipse and will close on January 10th with the full moon and lunar eclipse comes a very challenging day that might have repercussions until November: the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto on January 12th. The two darkest forces in our galaxy...

New Year!

These days with a cosmic portal opened, until the Full Moon and Moon Eclipse on the 10th of January, are perfect for...

Solar & Lunar Eclipse, a Portal wide opened

This December 26th of 2019 brings us the opening of a portal into cosmic consciousness with the solar eclipse. And even though it will be only seen in some parts of Asia, we will feel it through our consciousness. On January 10th of 2020, the lunar eclipse comes. This is a powerful moment for us to work on our inner balance, on our own connection with Earth and Heavens. On our own elements of Water, Air, Earth and Fire. A Solar Eclipse is a portal that opens to cosmic consciousness, and if we do a good work on ourselves, it’s there wide opened for us to connect with our own higher consciousness...

A Distance Healing? Sure!

If you’ve heard about Reiki practices, you’ve heard of distance healings. It’s how energy flows, from one’s consciousness field to another’s. Today with internet, and specially with video calls, I found it even more effective, sometimes quite intense, the healings through Skype. This way it helps the healing session, as we can have more control and empathy, connection with the person who is in need of healing. And when the person is not there...

What do you expect?

What do you expect from a Shaman? Shamanism can be found in most cultures, from east to west, north to south since thousands of years ago. Most probably shamanism is the oldest form of spirituality, people with open channels to the universe, connected to our own higher consciousness so much that we could end up... Continue Reading →

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